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    Amazon Go

    In Seattle, they are the first city to experience Amazon Go. Amazon Go is a new technology for purchasers by Amazon. How it works is it is a cashless system and customers walk in the stire, choose what items they want, and bill them later. The customer does not need a cashier since there are installed motion sensor cameras that track every move you make including the items you pick up from the store. The items are then billed to your Amazon account.

    Many who are into future progression believe tech labor will increase productivity and increase more revenue.  Amazon Go is making a point that cashiers are no longer needed? Thete is no line and no wait. You just check and go. What does that say about the value of the labor and it's workers? Is there a resolution if physical human labor becomes obsolete? Companies like McDonald's have already discussed replacing their staff with robots. The workforce will soon change in manual labor making society more dependent on machines. The U.S. Department of Labor Reported that in 2016, there were 3.5 million Cashier jobs. It wasn't too many years ago the self checkout line was implemented in grocery stores. Now, even Walmart is even considering replacing their staff with an automated system according to Recode.

    They have been mention by a few locals that they are creating six more locations, including one in Los Angeles, CA.  Amazon is having talks with billionaire developer Rick Caruso in creating another Amazon Go location in L.A.  They are planning to build a 600,000 square foot infrastructure in The Grove community. Amazon is also challenging companies in the shipping industry and creating their own service against competitors like FedEx and UPS in Los Angeles.
    Waymo for instance, is a subsidiary of Google and created a driverless car. When Waymo revealed their plans to other auto companies, General Motors and Ford immediately begin to announce plans of their own to make driverless care pickup services. The idea is fine, though some would rather be more comfortable having a physical person  in the driver's seat.  Even the position of a gas attendant is no longer needed since we pump our own gas.
    Keep Ahead of the Tech Trends
    Knowing about tech trends before they are published will keep you ahead of your industry. Learning the new phase of technology will also give you the opportunity to re-evaluate and rearrange your products and services. If a cashier attendant is no longer needed in the retail store, you can possibly replace the positions with customer support. Maintaining report with your customers is important, especially when their are discrepancies. Even Siri doesn't have the answer to every question and occasionally can not respond to idiomatic phrases.
    Employ New Ideas From Technology
    Microsoft Garage is located in 3 locations and allows their employees to play with technology and invent ideas outside the box. This allows Microsoft stay ahead of their competitors and create cutting-edge technology. Technology is always changing. Allowing your business to explore new venues of technology can greatly improve cost efficiency and customer satisfaction. Industrial machinery is one thing. Robotic machinery with a mind of its own is another.
    Keep a Balance between Traditional and New
    Some industries will never go out of style like culinary arts, security, or art. Some would not fully trust an operating machine managing security of an operation. However, there is a suggestion that there should be some human workers to evaluate, manage, and oversee motion sensor, droids, robotic forces incase there is a malfunction.

    Read More:
    Bylund, P. (2018, March 23). Is There Life After Amazon Go for Your Local Retail Cashier? 4 Lessons This Technology Offers. Retrieved March 26, 2018, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/310701

    Rey, J. D. (n.d.). Amazon plans to open as many as six more cashierless Amazon Go stores this year. Retrieved March 26, 2018, from https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.recode.net/platform/amp/2018/2/22/17019274/amazon-go-6-new-stores-seattle-los-angeles-the-grove-rick-caruso-cashierless

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